Extreme interest in web development and coding

I’ve decided to do a web development school because there is a shortage of good quality web developers and programmers. I wanted to do it locally in Brno (Czech republic) and Dubnica nad Váhom (Slovakia). But I was not able to find enough students locally, so I decided to do the school online for everyone in the world – globally. I promoted the school on CoderMania‘s page on FacebookTwitter,  Reddit, my Twitter, Facebook and Linkedin. This gave me 14 students. I wanted at least 20 students, but I did not expect that I will get 50+ students when I write an answer on Quora and share the school on Learn MeteorJS properly group on Facebook.

25.6.2015 quora answer shared web dev school in Learn MeteorJS properly


I would like to teach more people, but 50 is more than I can handle. There would be even more students if I would not set a limit of students for the school. I can’t imagine how many…

I don’t want to underestimate my students but I know that many of them will not be able to learn and do homeworks each week. I have tried a few courses on Coursera but I had no motivation to finish any of them. That’s why I will try to motivate my students and tell them how their lives can change if they will learn to code. I will teach them what I learned in 3 years of web development. I hope at least 20 students will finish the school and they will be able to find a job as a web developer. My goal was to train at least 5 programmers/web developers but now it’s 10 and more. At least 30 new web developers each year… Can you imagine how much new web developers will be born in 5 years thanks to my school? 150+… It’s exciting and I am looking forward to it!

Upozornenie: Články boli napísané s určitým stupňom vedomia. Keďže sa neustále vyvíjam, staršie články nemusia odzrkadľovať môj súčasný stav vedomia. Nie so všetkými článkami sa v súčasnosti stotožňujem. Avšak sú ponechané pre tých, ktorí sa nachádzajú na rovnakom alebo podobnom stupni vedomia akým boli články písané.
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